
Thursday, March 21, 2013

I Was Chalking Before Chalking Was Cool

You know the song, "I was Country, when Country wasn't cool.", right? Well that's how it is with the chalkboard.  I was chalking before chalking was cool!  Years ago I fabricated a dozen or so various picture frames into darling chalkboards. I painted the frames white and shabbied them up.  I replaced the glass and cardboard with thin plywood, which I painted with black chalkboard paint. I've used them through the years for various events, such as retreats, etc.

Now there's "chalk art" and so much more!  Our three grandkids have always loved to draw on the boards, which I then can put up on the wall as art!  I have a whole set of them in one of the guests room walls. 

Ellie loves to draw with chalk, if it's sharp chalk!

One of the best Pinterest finds I've ever come across was this one, the "sharpen your chalk".  The minute I saw it I had that "ah hah" moment! 

Sharpened chalk makes it so much easier to write on the chalkboards, or do "chalk art".  (Google that and you will be in awe of some of the things the chalk artist create!)  The kids love to use the sharp chalk.

John Mark, who is our local pencil sharpener (I kid you not, he lives to sharpen pencils!) spent his recent visit here sharpening all the chalk! He had a huge pile of shavings, but the chalk was sharp!

You do remember we have three grand's the third little one:

Always loads of fun when they visit!

Sharpen away, mates!
           Blessings, Heidi


  1. Just goes to show ya that kids can have lots of fun with the simplest things! Thanks for the tip about sharpening the chalk..I wouldn't have thought of that. You sure make a fun time with your Grandchildren..that last picture of Claira cracked me up!

  2. Your grandchildren sure are little cuties! I wish I knew this sidewalk chalk tip when mine were little. They've grown up way too fast!!

  3. I have had a thing for chalkboards ever since I was a kid. Loved my first easel style one (green) when I was 7... I really should have been a teacher! Have a great day!

  4. The kids are getting SO BIG! Oh my word!!! You must be so proud of your beautiful family!!! Hey; thanks for the tip to sharpen our chalk! I would NEVER have thought to do that and bet it makes writing so much easier!
