
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Buzzing with Brides

My Etsy shop, Everyday Cookies Custom & Hand-painted Signs, has been buzzing with brides!  It's so fun when there's something *new* for the brides to use in their weddings.  I posted about it here.   The "ring bearer" is now the Sign Carrier!  He (or she) has a very important job now, to announce the bride!  The photo ops are fabulous now with the child carrying a sign.  Some of the brides are ordering the signs also for the little girls, their job went from "Flower Girl" to "Sign Girl".

All my signs are 100% hand made. I cut the wood, router the edges sand and sand some more.  Then I hand paint each and every sign to the specification of the order.

Here are just a few samples of the many I've been painting.  Most continue to ask for the signs painted in black on white, as it shows up best in photos. But I have painted some to match the bridesmaid dresses, etc.

Here comes the Bride!

Uncle Matt,
here comes
your Bride!

Uncle Jeremy,
here comes
your girl!
(I'll paint the lettering/words in any color, but black does show up best.)

Uncle Snay,
here comes
your girl!

Cousin Darrin,
here comes
your Bride!

Uncle Tony,
here comes
your girl!

Hey Roger,
here comes
your girl!
(Love that pop of PINK!)

Uncle Tomas,
Here comes
Your Bride.
(I paint exactly what you want, capital letter, punctuation, etc.
Please tell me exactly what you want when you order.)
You can use any words (bride, girl, etc.), any color, any punctuation. 
 I custom paint by order and it takes about two weeks.
And here's a cross we found on the beach Saturday:

(driftwood cross on the Oregon coast)
I love Palm Sunday, Passion Week, Good Friday and I'm all about Resurrection Sunday! It's the basis of my faith:  My Savior rose from the grave!  "He Lives"  (in my heart!).  I've put together a special Passion Week Bible study that I can email as an attachment if you ask. It's a daily study following Jesus the last week before He died on the cross.  (just ask!)
Blessings, Heidi


  1. I'd love to get your bible study! I grew up without knowing the bible, and at this stage in my life I'm trying to learn about God!

  2. I really think the wedding announcement boards are a cute idea....more so than the traditional pillow thing. Your work is always superb Heidi. I think of you every time I'm in my craft room and see my Scrap for Joy board.
    Holy Week will be very different for us this year. For the first time we will worship together, side by side and after the Easter Sunday services David won't be totally exhausted from doing 10 other services during the week. Wishing you and your family abundant Easter Blessings!

  3. Dear Doc obodo, Thank you for your patience with me during my custom spell castingNovember 4, 2013 at 3:23 AM

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