
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Vintage Sheet Music Christmas Trees

Here's a quick little vintage sheet music Christmas tree tutorial!  I've been making these the past few years, giving them away, loading our house up with them, and even have some for sale at "3:16 Gift Store" in our local mall.

-old vintage sheet music book
-round slices from a large branch 
-any kind of stars (optional)
-hot glue
-Crop-a-dile (hole punch)
-small hammer
-drill and small drill bit

My wood rounds were cut from a branch from a redwood tree from our property.  I enjoy using them for crafts.

The skewers are just from the grocery store.  I get asked where to find vintage sheet music books:  go to the thrift stores and look through the books until you get to the music section. There's always something there you can use, even trumpet music!  If it's not "vintage" in color, and you want that instead of a crisp white just "paint" it with coffee or tea and let dry! Worse case is to search the internet for "vintage sheet music images" and print out a few pages.

Okay, let's make some paper trees!

First drill a hole in the center or your wood round:

-then mark the center of the top of the music page, (or make a small bend):

-then cut up each side at the angle, meeting at the top center:

-now fold the music from the bottom up, at about 3/4" inches (1/2" to 1" is fine, more folds is prettier):

-then punch a hole in the center, where the skewer will go through:

-slide down the skewer, pointed side goes down into the wood round:

-at this point I usually gently tape in the skewer in with a hammer so that it fits snug and tight into the wood round:

-unfold the paper tree, and hot glue the tippy-top to the top of the skewer:

-if you want stars at the top, glue them on:

-it's fun to put multiple trees on one base, just drill three holes (or whatever you want):



Have a blessed Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I saw this post sooner - I will remember it for next Christmas! thanks
